
Dancing During Pregnancy

Dancing During Pregnancy

Pregnant women who feel like dancing shouldn't let their growing belly stop them. The physical and mental health benefits of dancing can work wonders for you (and others), as long as you listen to your body.

It's natural for pregnant women to wonder what the best decisions are when it comes to caring for their unborn baby, from the best foods to eat and what types of activities to do, many pregnant women even wonder if it's okay to try dancing when I'm pregnant.

Is it safe to dance during pregnancy?
If you're wondering whether it's safe and healthy for you and your baby to dance during pregnancy, we're here to tell you unequivocally, YES! It is perfectly safe to dance during pregnancy. Because not only is dancing a fun activity, but it also keeps your body and mind healthy, reduces stress, and can give you the time you need to do something you love before baby arrives. There are benefits to starting to dance during this particular stage of your life. At Arthur Murray Bondi we love seeing pregnant women arrive for pre-natal dance lessons, taking care of themselves in our studio. We are thrilled to be able to share with you the benefits of dancing during pregnancy.



In summary, pregnant women who get the all-clear from their doctors can expect:

  • Greater physical fitness and muscle flexibility
  • More balance and coordination
  • Reduction of stress and tension
  • Increase your energy
  • Greater connection with your baby


1. Greater physical fitness and muscle flexibility
When you are pregnant it is important to keep your heart and lungs healthy. All types of dancing will keep your heart rate up while you exercise, which is great for heart health. As always, it is important to listen to your body so that your growing baby continues to grow strong, even in the early first trimester phase of pregnancy. However, it can be difficult to maintain motivation to be active when changes in gravity begin to take their toll on your body. That's why thinking of dance as a more fun activity with movements that benefit your body and your baby's development is a great idea! Using dance as your preferred form of aerobic exercise during pregnancy has many benefits. Dance sessions increase blood flow, reduce blood pressure, combat excessive weight gain, and improve muscle tone, all things you need to pay attention to during pregnancy. Frequent dance classes can make your body more flexible. A wide range of motion is required to master certain positions. Moving your body in new ways gently stretches your muscles and limbs. Greater flexibility can help during the birthing process. Pregnant women are often given exercises to prepare for labor, to increase their comfort level. Dancing is a sophisticated way to gain this flexibility!

2. More balance and coordination
Additionally, dancing safely during pregnancy will help you gain strength that is beneficial to your body's balance and coordination. Often, due to the excess weight they are not used to carrying, pregnant women feel awkward as if they are constantly tripping over their own feet. While it may seem counterintuitive to suggest dancing at a time when you feel uncoordinated, simply by incorporating a dance routine into your pregnancy exercise program you can gain strength, improve your posture, and become more coordinated and balanced.

3. Reduction of stress and tension
Whether you choose a breathtaking latin dance or a calmer, more focused ballroom dance, no matter the dance style, getting active and maintaining your fitness goals during pregnancy is great for you and your baby. When we dance our body releases endorphins that make us happy, resulting in a reduction in stress, tiredness and tension. Ultimately there is so much to worry about during the stages of pregnancy, that expectant mothers need as much stress reduction as possible. Taking a class where your body focuses on movement through various forms of dance is great for your mental and physical health.

4. Increase your energy
At a time when you need to limit your caffeine intake, dancing is a great way to boost your energy levels. Even during pregnancy, hormonal changes affect your body making you feel easily fatigued, lethargic and unmotivated. Ultimately, physical activity helps you sleep better at night and feel more rested during the day. While you'll still need to take naps and get plenty of rest, as a pregnant woman you'll be grateful for any energy boost you can get as you prepare for the arrival of your little one.

5. Greater connection with your baby
All forms of physical activity, including dancing, are great ways to bond with your unborn baby. Taking the opportunity to listen to music and move your body allows you to focus your mind, eliminate daily stressors, and enjoy the regular intervals of your baby's development.


Some other notable benefits of staying active by dancing during pregnancy are:

  • Sleep better
  • Reduction of back pain
  • Reduced constipation
  • Less swelling
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes, or other complications during pregnancy


Talk to your doctor or midwife about the health benefits of dancing. It's a good idea to seek advice from your doctor before engaging in any exercise if you are pregnant.

This is especially important if you have a chronic health condition or complications during pregnancy. In our next post we'll explore the precautions pregnant women should take when enjoying a Latin workout. While the physical and mental health benefits of dancing are immense, you still need to be careful. It is a good idea to inform your instructor about your current weeks of pregnancy

Don't hesitate to contact us to find out more.

Reading next

10 Health Benefits of Dancing
Why Arthur Murray Dance Lessons Work

Are you ready to dance while pregnant?

Sign up for a dance class today!

Now that you know that dancing is a great activity to do while you wait for your baby to arrive, let's get started! If you're a pregnant woman looking to incorporate fitness into your regular workout routine, or if you're looking for a fun way to get moving before your due date, Arthur Murray Milan offers group and private classes for any stage of life.

Contact our studio today on 92 9369 5987 to find out more about our dance lessons. You can also contact us online to get started! Discover a new passion!


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